
Welcome to The Learning Sanctuary (TLS) Tutorials.

Welcome to The Learning Sanctuary (TLS) Tutorials. At TLS, we   beieve that it is important to teach a child how to learn- knowledge  acquired should be knowledge applied.

Maddy Barber's Testimony at TLS Tutorials
Maddy Barber’s TLS Tutorials Testimony

I want to express my immense thanks and gratitude to their tutor and mentor Esther Chua at TLS Academy. I swear I never thought there’d come a day when not one but both of them would love Math and opt to take A Math on top of E Math by choice. Happily! Like me, they were both terrified of Math, crying and carrying on every time they had to do it in the early years.

TLS Tutorial Centre Pte Ltd
10 Winstedt Road Block A #02-04
Singapore 227977
Tel : +65 88036858