Ace Your O-Level Practical Exam With 3 Effective Tips

Ace Your O-Level Practical Exam With 3 Effective Tips

Ace Your O-Level Practical Exam With 3 Effective Tips

Despite the sleepless nights and burying their noses in their books the whole year, students who are about to take the O-Level Science exam often feel stressed, exhausted, and burned out. Students only have practical science classes to practice their laboratory skills before the O-Level Science practical exam. As a result, students may feel anxious or less confident – but that shouldn’t be the case! Read on to learn how to ace your O-Level Science exam!

1. Understand the concepts 

Practical exams are different from written exams as it tests students on their ability to apply their understanding by carrying out experiments and drawing the correct conclusions. Remember that practical exams are based on certain conditions and variables, so the results from the experiments may vary from test to test. Due to this, you should understand the concepts behind the experiment and read questions in the practical book to understand the principles better.

2. Don’t skip practical classes

The opportunity to practice conducting experiments is limited, so you should take advantage of the access you have in school during your science lab lessons. Unless you feel unwell on science practical class days, make it a point to attend the classes religiously. Indeed, the experiments you perform in school will never be precisely the same as what was taught in class; but they will be similar to your school activities – so use this to your advantage in gaining experience.

3. Memorise the structure 

Compared to written exams, there is much less to memorise for the practical exam – but doing so is still helpful for some suitable components. With the multiple steps involved in the planning process, students should remember the structure to ensure that they won’t miss any details in their answers. By learning the structures, you can spend more time focusing on other questions.

4. Create a study plan

Create a timetable and stick with it to instil discipline and set meaningful study goals. Aside from being organised, following a study plan also helps you tackle the topics that require more attention and which ones you understand the most. Don’t forget to squeeze in a few minute breaks to avoid feeling exhausted and losing the motivation to study.


We hope the tips above are helpful to you and that you can squeeze them into your study routine. It is essential to establish a solid foundation that you can build and rely on in your secondary school years to perform well in your final examinations. This is in addition to employing effective techniques when you are preparing for any exams.

If you are looking for a great tutor to help your child pass the exam with flying colours? Look no further than TLS Tutorials! We specialise in teaching kids two of the most dreaded subjects in school: Math and Science. With our small group tuition, your children can learn and have a friendly competition with other kids to motivate them to learn more. We offer various services such as Math tuition, O-Level Math, Secondary Science tuition, O-Level Science tuition, and many more. If interested, don’t hesitate to contact us or visit our website to learn more!