Welcome to The Learning Sanctuary (TLS) Tutorials.

Welcome to The Learning Sanctuary (TLS) Tutorials.


Welcome to The Learning Sanctuary (TLS) Tutorials. At TLS, we   beieve that it is important to teach a child how to learn- knowledge  acquired should be knowledge applied.

We know that how well a child performs in examinations is not a direct measure of his/her intelligence because every child learns differently and at a  different pace. There are many possible factors that could interplay to produce   a particular result and too often we give children the answers rather then the   methods to solve the problems.

With our small class size (5-7 students), our tutors are trained to teach the way  the child learns. In this way our students learn to become independent  learners. They are empowered with skills and dispositions to succeed not only   in school but also in life.

They were given fish and eventually they become fishers.

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