Maddy Barber’s TLS Tutorials Testimony

Maddy Barber’s TLS Tutorials Testimony

“I’m a proud mama to a millennial and tik toker. 🤣🤗

I want to express my immense thanks and gratitude to their tutor and mentor Esther Chua at TLS Academy. I swear I never thought there’d come a day when not one but both of them would love Math and opt to take A Math on top of E Math by choice. Happily! Like me, they were both terrified of Math, crying and carrying on every time they had to do it in the early years. Difference is, I never got over that fear. 😂 @libbybarberr on the other hand, has since gone on to ace it and now has a bachelor in architecture while the lil’ one was overjoyed to find out recently that her first option to do A math, physics and chemistry has been accepted. That blows my mind because these are kids who once hated and feared these subjects like they were the devil! They are after all more ‘Arts’ students, as some might say, being my offsprings! They could not have gotten this far, so confidently, without their mentors Esther and Ms. Cecilia – who do so much more than just tutor their students. My girls have grown so much in confidence and character over the years thanks to both your guidance and dedication. “

They could not have gotten this far, so confidently, without their mentors Esther and Ms. Cecilia – who do so much more than just tutor their students.

Maddy Barber, Mother

Parents Partnership!

“Parents, it takes YEARS, not months to see the changes, so be realistic and patient! Every kid gets there in his or her own time. Work with Esther and her team of mentors if you wish (you can google “TLS academy at 10 Winstedt road”), but remember, you need to play your part too and that involves some letting go! Some more than others. In my case, I just left it all to Esther cuz grades never mattered as much to me as the effort put in, but somehow Esther managed to wrangle both the effort and good grades out of my two monkeys! So you can see why I want and need to do this post!

Thank you so much Esther darling, Rodney and your wonderful team of mentors. ❤️


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