5 Mistakes Your Child Should Avoid In Their Science Exams

5 Mistakes Your Child Should Avoid In Their Science Exams

5 Mistakes Your Child Should Avoid In Their Science Exams

Science exams can be challenging for students, especially if they are not particularly interested in the subject. However, the significance and prevalence of Science in our daily lives make it imperative for students to have a solid foundation in the subject.

In this article, we explore 5 common mistakes that students often make in their Science exams. These mistakes can cost your child precious marks and affect their performance, so it is crucial to avoid them as much as possible.

Mistake #1. Not understanding the question

One of the most frequent errors students make is not fully comprehending the question. Your child’s knowledge and comprehension of the subject will be tested by the instructions and questions — if they do not understand what is being asked, they will not be able to respond to the question appropriately.

Encourage your child to read the question carefully and make sure they fully understand it before beginning to tackle it. They should also seek clarification from their teacher if they are unclear or need additional assistance.

Mistake #2: Failing to plan their answers

Another typical mistake is not planning their answers before beginning to write. Many students rush to write their answers without first stopping to consider the key points they would like to bring across. This frequently results in an unfocused, perplexing response that only partially answers the question.

Before writing, encourage your child to spend a few minutes outlining their main ideas and the details they wish to add to their response. This could be as simple as jotting down some concepts or keywords that should be included.

Mistake #3: Not supporting answers with evidence

For Science examinations, it is insufficient to just give a generic answer. Students often have to provide data, experiments, and observations to back up their claims. This demonstrates their in-depth knowledge of the subject and ability to apply it to actual circumstances. Encourage your child to consider their responses carefully and look for evidence to substantiate them in order to avoid making this error.

Mistake #4: Neglecting the details

Not paying attention to seemingly minor details is another frequent error. A small mistake might cost your child marks on a Science exam, so paying close attention is essential. Encourage your child to double-check their answers before turning in their paper. Highlighting or underlining important details mentioned in the question is also another way to ensure that they do not miss out on any information that may be significant.

Mistake #5: Leaving blanks

Students tend to leave blanks in their examination papers when they are met with a question that tackles a concept they are weak in. However, you should explain to your child that doing this is never the answer. They should attempt to answer the question to the best of their ability. After all, as the saying goes, “if you never try, you will never know!”

Additionally, ensure that your child studies ahead of time. Students who adequately prepare for their exams tend to experience less stress, which reduces the likelihood of them blanking out.


In conclusion, Science examinations can be difficult, but your child can set themselves up for success by avoiding these 5 common mistakes. In the event that your child fails their examinations, or requires additional assistance outside of school, enrolling them in tuition classes may be a good idea.

TLS Tutorials offers O Level Science tuition in Singapore by qualified and dedicated tutors. Our small group tuition classes, with an average student-to-tutor ratio of 4 to 1, allow students to learn at their own pace. Our tutors are also able to tailor lessons to suit the learning needs of students and offer them the guidance they need to overcome any challenges.

To learn more, do not hesitate to contact us today.